Custom T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker Design T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker

Custom T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker Design T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker

The Power T1500-1bdCP amplifier is now available in a one-of-a-kind custom paint scheme to set your system apart from the crowd. Due to the nature of customization, slight variation in color and design may occur. The Power T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker model is a unique design featuring a red "RF" logo on top a silver distressed theme.

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The Power T1500-1bdCP amplifier is now available in a one-of-a-kind custom paint scheme to set your system apart from the crowd. Due to the nature of customization, slight variation in color and design may occur. The Power T1500-1bdCP Widow Maker model is a unique design featuring a red "RF" logo on top a silver distressed theme.

For amplifier features and specifications, refer to the Power T1500-1bdCP Amplifier details page.



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